Let us make some mistakes of the guests.
If you score 99th Percentile on the verbal (48) and:
39 Quantitative (57th percentile), the overall result is: 730, 96 Percentile
41 quantitative (63 Percntile), the overall result is: 730, 96 Percentile
43 Quantitative (70th percentile), the overall result is: 740, 97 Percentile
Well, if you are 99th Percentile score on the How (51) corresponding percentile on the verbal, you get composite scores are:
30 verbal (57th percentile), the overall result is: 670, 85 Percentile
32 minutes (65th percentile), the overall result is: 690, 88 Percentile
34 minutes (70th percentile), the overall result is: 710, 92 Percentile
So what do these data tell us? The GMAT scoring algorithm is more rewarding for success on the verbal than for success in the quantitative area.
This fact seems contra-intuitive, but given the demographics of the GMAT test takers, you will notice an important trend: More than half of survey participants are international students. From countries like India and China (including special education programs place emphasis on quantitative reasoning), nail these students in the review, but as a non-native English speakers have difficulty on the album. Thus, the success of the ticket is not as common as success on the quantitative section, and the algorithm to reward the GMAT score those who perform above the curve on verbal.
Of course, this data does not mean you should give this book Number of properties and go to all the dialects of English to remember. But if you scored on two similar parts of the exam, you spend time knocking on important issues should be well spoken, well worth it.