Saturday, December 11, 2010


Following are the few Sentences Correction Tips in GMAT Reading Comprehension.

Sentence Correction GMAT Tips
    * Dangling Modifiers -- Modifiers which have no subject --- wrong!!
    * Almost always Modifiers come immediately after the word they modify!
    * IF Vs WHETHER - If--  hypothetical.... whether -- when you have to choose among options
    * Maintain PARALLELISM -- rather than, instead of, to X is to Y, etc.
    * Look out for Sentences starting with "to"...maintain parallelism
    * Verb agreement with subject w.r.t. number, tense, etc.
    * Modifiers...recognize them.
    * Possessive case --it's not the subject.
    * BOTH -- only two things!! and parallel too!!
    * Look out for COMPARISONS -- LIKE, UNLIKE, SIMILAR same types (number, type, etc.)
    * Look for countable and non-countable nouns. (amount, sum,etc.)
    * THAT Vs WHICH ...that is restrictive...which is non-restrictive.
    * LIKE Vs AS ... like expresses similarity ... As compare clauses
    * SUCH AS --; to give examples .. such X as x1, x2, x3.
    * JUST AS --; again to compare actions, not nouns.
    * BECAUSE Vs IN THAT ...because shows cause and effect ... in that is mostly correct on the GMAT.
    * USUAL Vs IS USUAL ... usual... compared to itself... is usual...when compared to a sub-group it belongs to.
    * NATIVE OF Vs NATIVE TO ... Native of is used for a person...native to is corrector person/thing..everything else.
    * CAN Vs COULD -- can = ability, opportunity, possibility. could = assumption, condition, polite request, suggestion
    * WOULD --; a condition in the past, anticipation in the past.
    * BECAUSE Vs ON ACCOUNT OF --; former is preferred over the latter. both are correct.
    * ECONOMIC Vs ECONOMICAL --; Economic is economy related... Economical is Money-saving