The Graduate Management Admission Test® (GMAT®) is a evaluation test system that helps business schools review the student qualifications for advanced study in business and management. Schools use this test as one judge of academic performance in an MBA program or in other graduate management programs. Mostly MBA schools require a GMAT.
How does GMAT look like?
The GMAT® exam has three main parts, the Analytical Writing Assessment, the Quantitative section, and the Verbal section.
Analytical Writing Assessment
The GMAT® exam begins with the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA). The AWA consists of two separate writing tasks—Analysis of an Issue and Analysis of case. You are allowed 30 minutes to complete each one.
Optional Break (5 mins)
Quantitative Section
This section contains 37 questions of two question types—Data Sufficiency and Problem Solving. You have maximum of 75 minutes to complete the entire section.
Optional Break (5 mins)
Verbal Section
This section contains 41 multiple choice questions of three question types—Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, and Sentence Correction. You have maximum of 75 minutes to complete the entire section.