Sunday, December 12, 2010


Many students find reading comprehension is the hardest part of the GMAT Verbal section. I have one thing to say you can never really solve a problem or SC to participate in the decisive reason for an argument, but it would surely read something everyday.Reading understanding requires much practice and a good understanding of the soul by the examiner .

GMAT reading tips and tricks

reading comprehension passages and 350 words. Topics contain material from the social sciences, natural sciences and biological and allied industries (marketing, finance, personnel management, etc.).
As part of reading comprehension GMAT exam contains excerpts from several academic areas, you are generally familiar with some of the documents, but no specific knowledge of the facts is necessary. All questions must be answered from what is stated or implied in the reading material.

Here is the list of .

    1. The main objective is usually the primary goal of the last paragraph.
    2. Read for Author's Main Idea and Primary Purpose.

    3. The Main Idea of the passage is the repeated idea in each of the Main ideas.

    4. Create an organization conceived in writing the basic idea and the main target after each paragraph.

    5. Read between the Paragraphs.



Eligibility of GMAT

U.S. Universities require 16 years of study for entry to higher education. However, if you have more than three years of work experience, some universities may waive the requirement for 16 years. For students with work experience of 0-2 years, school records plays an important role. He finally shows how you manage your time, resources and money as a student.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Following are the few Sentences Correction Tips in GMAT Reading Comprehension.

Sentence Correction GMAT Tips
    * Dangling Modifiers -- Modifiers which have no subject --- wrong!!
    * Almost always Modifiers come immediately after the word they modify!
    * IF Vs WHETHER - If--  hypothetical.... whether -- when you have to choose among options
    * Maintain PARALLELISM -- rather than, instead of, to X is to Y, etc.
    * Look out for Sentences starting with "to"...maintain parallelism
    * Verb agreement with subject w.r.t. number, tense, etc.
    * Modifiers...recognize them.
    * Possessive case --it's not the subject.
    * BOTH -- only two things!! and parallel too!!
    * Look out for COMPARISONS -- LIKE, UNLIKE, SIMILAR same types (number, type, etc.)
    * Look for countable and non-countable nouns. (amount, sum,etc.)
    * THAT Vs WHICH ...that is restrictive...which is non-restrictive.
    * LIKE Vs AS ... like expresses similarity ... As compare clauses
    * SUCH AS --; to give examples .. such X as x1, x2, x3.
    * JUST AS --; again to compare actions, not nouns.
    * BECAUSE Vs IN THAT ...because shows cause and effect ... in that is mostly correct on the GMAT.
    * USUAL Vs IS USUAL ... usual... compared to itself... is usual...when compared to a sub-group it belongs to.
    * NATIVE OF Vs NATIVE TO ... Native of is used for a person...native to is corrector person/thing..everything else.
    * CAN Vs COULD -- can = ability, opportunity, possibility. could = assumption, condition, polite request, suggestion
    * WOULD --; a condition in the past, anticipation in the past.
    * BECAUSE Vs ON ACCOUNT OF --; former is preferred over the latter. both are correct.
    * ECONOMIC Vs ECONOMICAL --; Economic is economy related... Economical is Money-saving

Friday, December 10, 2010

How can I take the GMAT?

You can take the GMAT about a year before the expected entry into the business school. You will have enough time to work on processing the request. Also, when first discovered, not planned that within a month. Also, the result will come after 20 days.At minimum, you want to have the GMAT a month before the application deadline. It will take two to four weeks to get your official score, even if unofficial score immediately after the test. You can arrange for the test results must be sent directly to you and up to 5 schools in which you are applying. If you have a test in the vicinity of the application deadline, You May want to include the unofficial score report with your application.

Do GMAT only when you have prepared and are confident that you can do it.

GMAT cost

Current GMAT Registration fee is  $250.If a test is cancelled before scheduled appointment, a partial $80 (USD) is refund. The test fee of $250 includes the release of your score report to up to five business schools. Additional score reports can be requested for an additional cost of $25 per school.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What is the GMAT?

The Graduate Management Admission Test® (GMAT®) is a evaluation  test system  that helps business schools review the student qualifications for advanced study in business and management. Schools use this test as one judge of academic performance in an MBA program or in other graduate management programs. Mostly MBA schools require a GMAT.

How does GMAT look like?

The GMAT® exam has  three main parts, the Analytical Writing Assessment, the Quantitative section, and the Verbal section.
Analytical Writing Assessment
The GMAT® exam begins with the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA). The AWA consists of two separate writing tasks—Analysis of an Issue and Analysis of  case. You are allowed 30 minutes to complete each one.

Optional Break (5 mins)

Quantitative Section

This section contains 37 questions of two question types—Data Sufficiency and Problem Solving. You have maximum of 75 minutes to complete the entire section.

Optional Break (5 mins)

Verbal Section

This section contains 41 multiple choice questions of three question types—Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, and Sentence Correction. You have maximum of 75 minutes to complete the entire section.